Friday, July 16, 2010

To do lists

So I'm not even kidding a little bit when I tell you I am the queen of lists. In my mind I am a very organized person. Now if only I could actually apply that to real life!

If I make a list to pack for going away, for example, I first make a list of all the categories I need and then a list for each category. I'm pretty sure I might be mildly OCD, which also doesn't bode well with my inability to control the clutter.

My first step in the physical declutter of my house will be to make a permanent list of what all needs to be done. I will also probably have a shopping list of sorts for organizational items best for limited space. I will then do the best to room by room, area by area clean, organize & purge unnecessary items. I promise the "purge" will be an absolutely difficult step for me. I have clothes I haven't worn in years that I will never fit back into, notes from my friends in high school...boxes of notes, lots of random paperwork and many other unnecessary items. My motivation to be successful? I don't want to move this stuff again!

Tonight I will start the lists and also work on completing 1 room. I will give myself until tomorrow to complete it. I'm cheating a little because it is my bedroom and miraculously the least obnoxious room in my house, but it is I believe the most crucial room as it is the place in my house where I should mind the most peace and comfort, right?

I will post before and after pics by the end of the weekend. This gives me a little leeway to still enjoy my weekend with my family but a deadline to complete 1 major room.

Hold me to this. Threaten bodily harm if necessary!!

1 comment:

  1. Bodily harm? I'll give ya a hi-ya and a waaah and then I'll kick ya.
