Monday, March 28, 2011

Hi...remember me?

Okay so I didn't fall off the face of the earth. I did however have some craziness ensue in life and just didn't have it in me to complete what I needed to. Highlights? Well, I moved. I now live in a slightly larger house and it's just Amelia and I. So, my clutter should be (and so far is) a little easier to contain. I have however been there for nearly 5 months now and am not completely unpacked.'s time to hold myself accountable and continue with what I originally started this blog for...decluttering my life. Some of the steps necessary have been taken. I continue to remove and/or let go of people in my life who are toxic. It's sometimes much easier said than done. So, I'm finally getting back to a good place in my life and really ready to improve on it! I will post again soon, I swear!